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What To Do If You Fail The Florida Bar Exam?

Failing the bar exam can be a significant setback for aspiring Florida attorneys, but don’t panic – your journey isn’t over. You CAN pass the next time and become a successful Florida Lawyer. How you respond and what steps you take to prepare for your next attempt makes all the difference. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do if you fail the Florida Bar Exam.

Take A Beat

Allow yourself some time to process. Failing the Florida Bar Exam is tough; you may feel disappointed, frustrated, or even embarrassed. Give yourself a moment to grieve, but don’t let it paralyze you. Accepting what happened and choosing to move forward is the first step toward success. And remember, you are not the only one. The Florida Bar Exam is not an easy test that everyone passes. Plenty of successful licensed Florida attorneys didn’t pass on their first try. 

Understand Your Results

It’s essential to review your exam results thoroughly. The Florida Board of Bar Examiners (FBBE) provides a detailed breakdown of scores across different sections, including the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE), Florida-specific essays, and Part A multiple choice questions. Understanding where you encountered problems is the second step in succeeding the next time around.

Develop Your New Study Plan

The Florida Bar Exam is offered twice per year. You can take it the next time it is offered after failing. So, it is important to get back to studying and prep as quickly as possible. 

Evaluate Your Study Methods

Reflect on your previous study methods and identify what worked and what didn’t. Did you allocate enough time to each section? Were there topics or types of questions that consistently gave you trouble?

Enroll in a Bar Prep Course 

Consider enrolling in a bar preparation course. These courses offer structured study schedules, practice exams, and resources tailored to the Florida Bar Exam. Some popular options include BARBRI, Themis, and Kaplan. Check out our blog: Florida Bar Exam Prep Courses: Which To Choose to determine the best bar prep resources for you.

Hire a Tutor

If you need more personalized help, hiring a tutor can be a great investment. A tutor can help you understand complex legal concepts, develop effective study strategies, and keep you accountable.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Take as many practice exams as possible. Simulate test conditions to build your endurance and improve your time management skills. Reviewing past exam questions and answers can help you understand what the examiners are looking for. 

Here are some free practice questions for the Florida Bar Exam essay and multiple choice questions for Part A. 

Here are some free practice questions for the MBE.


Failing the Florida Bar Exam is frustrating, but it is not the end of a future in the practice of law. By taking the time to process your feelings, reviewing your results, and developing a solid study plan, you can turn this experience into an opportunity for growth and success. With perseverance, dedication, and the right approach for you, you can pass the exam on your next attempt and move forward with your career in Florida law. You got this!

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