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How To Pass A Character And Fitness Hearing For The Florida Bar?

The Florida Board of Bar Examiners may request an informal Character and Fitness Hearing if there are concerns about your Character and Fitness to practice law. They may just need more details about these concerns or they may need to see that you have evolved from previous indiscretions and do have the Good Moral Character required to be a licensed lawyer in Florida. So, how do you pass a Character and Fitness Hearing for The Florida Bar?

What Is A Character And Fitness Hearing?

A Character and Fitness Hearing is when you are requested to appear before the FBBE to answer questions and explain some situations that the board may have concerns with. This investigative hearing is informal. If you do not pass this interview, you may be summoned for a formal hearing.

How Hard Is It To Pass Character And Fitness For Admittance To The Florida Bar?

The FBBE can be stricter than many states as far as Character and Fitness, but a majority of Florida Bar applicants have no problem passing the Character and Fitness screening, so don’t panic. The key is to be truthful, straightforward, and thorough in your application. Do your own background investigation on yourself if necessary. Check your credit, etc. You want to be fully prepared to provide the most complete information when applying to The Florida Bar. Don’t try to hide anything from the FBBE; it will be discovered during your background investigation.

Does Everyone Have A Character And Fitness Hearing?

No, in fact, very few Florida Bar applicants are called for a Character and Fitness Hearing. But if you have been, don’t panic! Typically character interviews are called so that further information can be provided or verified about a concern. Being called for an informal hearing does not mean that you won’t be accepted to The Florida Bar.

What To Expect From A Character and Fitness Hearing?

A Character and Fitness Hearing can be a quick and painless event. Most informal C and F Hearings take 30 minutes or less. But it depends on what specifically and/or how many issues there are that need to be discussed. Be prepared to discuss any issues you did not disclose and any indiscretions that may put your Character and Fitness into question.

How To Pass A Character And Fitness Hearing For The Florida Bar

  • You must be completely candid and professional during your Character and Fitness Hearing. 
  • Provide thorough explanations when necessary to prove your Character and Fitness to the board.  
  • Hire a Character and Fitness Attorney who can guide you through the process with expert knowledge and help you get the best possible chance at passing the informal hearing so you won’t have to be called for a formal Character and Fitness Hearing.


If you are worried about how to pass the Character and Fitness Hearing for The Florida Bar, we can help. Even if you aren’t worried, having a professional in your corner can make this process run smoother and end with the best results. Elizabeth S. Conan, Attorney at Law, can help you prepare for your Hearing. As a former staff lawyer at the Orlando Branch of The Florida Bar, Elizabeth is uniquely qualified to guide you through your Character and Fitness Hearing. Contact Elizabeth today, and knock your Character and Fitness Hearing out of the park!


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