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What Are The Questions On The Florida Bar Application?

Thinking about applying to the Florida Bar? Maybe it is something you want to do soon, or perhaps this is an in-the-future aspiration. Either way, you like to know, “What are the questions on The Florida Bar Application.” We can help! This blog is a comprehensive guide to the questions on the Florida Bar Application.

What Information Do I Need To Provide On The Florida Bar Application?

When applying to The Florida Bar, it is crucial to fill out your application and provide all details as truthfully and accurately as possible. Here is a comprehensive list of information that is requested on The Florida Bar Application:

  • Name
  • Contact Information
  • Social Security Number
  • Driver’s License
  • Other Names/Former Names
  • Date and Place of Birth
  • Places Where You Lived Since 16
  • Contact Person
  • Marital Status
  • Support Obligations
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Education
  • Law School
  • Educational Institution Discipline
  • Violation of College or Graduate School Entrance Examination Rules
  • Personal References (5)
  • Employment Experience
  • Lapses in Employment
  • Employment (Discharge, Suspension, Involuntary Resignation, Charges, Complaints, Discipline)
  • Denial of Employment Because of Character or Background
  • Military Service (including Judicial, Non-judication, and Administrative Proceedings, and Discharge)
  • Financial Obligations
  • Student Loans
  • Judgements and Liens
  • Bounced Checks
  • Late Income Tax Filings and Payments
  • Paying Employer Taxes
  • Defendant in Personal Litigation and Administrative Proceedings
  • Personal Litigation (Plaintiff, Divorce, Bankruptcy, Obligation Default, Court Sanction, Incompetence of Guardianship, Administrative or Quasi-Judicial Proceeding, Held in Contempt)
  • Business Legal Proceedings
  • Unsatisfied Judgements in Business Ventures
  • Felonies (Convictions, Incarcerations, Probations, Civil Rights)
  • Misdemeanors, Infractions, Citations, and other Law Violations
  • Vehicular Offenses 
  • Traffic Violations
  • Grand Jury Investigation
  • Immunity
  • Professional Licenses (History, Discipline, Complaints, Suspensions) 
  • Substance Use
  • Mental Health
  • Involvement In an Organization Advocating Overthrow by Unlawful Means 
  • Previous Bar Applications Filed
  • Violation of Bar Exam Rules
  • Appearance Before Bar Examining Authorities In Any Jurisdiction
  • Unlicensed Practice of Law
  • Admission to Practice Law In Any Jurisdiction
  • Conditional or Probationary Admission
  • Lapse or Termination of Authority to Practice Law
  • Professional Grievances
  • Employment as an Attorney
  • Attorney (3) and Client (2) References
  • Judicial Office

What Are The Questions On The Florida Bar Application?

The questions on The Florida Bar Application are extensive and apply to the detailed list above. Here are some examples of questions you will be asked on The Florida Bar Application:

  • Has any other name known you since the age of 16?
  • Have you been married?
  • Have you ever been required to pay child support or alimony?
  • Have you experienced any discipline from an educational institution?
  • Have you been accused of cheating, plagiarism, or other academic dishonesty? 
  • Have you violated school entrance exam rules?
  • Since you were 16, were there periods when you were not employed or a full-time student?
  • Have you been terminated from employment or suspended without pay?
  • Has a boss ever requested that you resign?
  • Have you ever been denied a job because of character or your past?
  • Have you been delinquent by more than three months in paying any debt in the past five years?
  • Have judgments ever been filed against you or liens placed on your property?
  • Have you issued any bad checks within the past 12 months?
  • Have you ever failed to file or pay taxes on time?

The list goes on. For the complete list of Florida Bar Application questions, click here.


Now you know many of the questions and the information you requested on The Florida Bar Exam. The Bar Application requires a lot of information from you. It asks a lot of questions. So, take your time and answer each question thoroughly and honestly. If you have questions or concerns about applying to The Florida Bar, seek counsel from Elizabeth S. Conan, Florida Bar Admissions Attorney. She will get you on the right track to becoming a licensed Florida Attorney.

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